Another teacher recently reminded me of the power of Dr. Seuss. And so I went to the book store in search of a specific Seuss favorite. What treasure did I find? Hooray for Diffendoofer Day!
Filled with rhyme, humor, irony, hyperbole, and even a large dose of (state testing) humor, it’s only a matter of time before both teachers and students alike are going ba-zonkers over Miss Bonkers herself!
The words of Seuss,
Have the power of Zeus!
So Prelutskey and Smith,
Resurrected him forthwith,
And begged him pLeAsE,
While on their knees,
Would you, could you,
Show us your final book?
Our kids must read,
You’ll be the hook!
Up on a cloud,
Up in the sky,
You’ll make us proud,
The kids will cry!
And so, Miss Bonkers came to be,
Along with cooks McMunch, all three!
The principal is Mr. Lowe,
His eyebrows are bushy-thick as a ‘fro!
The nurse, Miss Clotte knows what to do,
If you have a splinter or the flu!
Mr. Plunger cleans the school,
because Diffendoofers will always rule!
And so. . .
Dr. Suess and friends,
Thank you, thank you,
I must say,
I’ve read your book,
You made my day!
And the heir apparent to the Seuss dynasty appears on the horizon! All hail!